Indiana Uploaded is Coming!!!
Imagine an online ART community that supports, encourages, and inspires future Indiana artists through scholarship opportunities, criticism from professionals, and collaboration with other Indiana artists.
This community could encourage the next generation of Indiana’s Traditional and Digital Artists to grow both inside and outside of the classroom, and at the same time, encourage them to stay in Indiana to study the ARTS.
Well, that community is HERE! Enter IndianaUploaded !!!! is an online community centered around design competitions that high school and college design students can embrace and grow with as they hone their design skills and learn the value of collaboration and criticism.
Sign up today, keep up to date information about Rules, Registering, and PRIZES!!! Prizes will range from college scholarships, software, hardware, internships, contract work, and notoriety!
IndianaUploaded will go Live in late December with the first competition following shortly after! Your support by signing up now can help Indiana Uploaded secure scholarships and prizes!
For more info email:
Tags: Indiana Art Competition, indianauploaded, indyuploaded, Zeb Wood