SIGGRAPH Student Exhibition Animation

So, if life didn’t offer me any other awesome projects to work on I would have been Happy. But of course, I receive yet another opportunity to stress out about. My SIGGRAPH Organization that I advise in threw an Animation Pitch competition last week during our X-Mas party. Several members pitched awesome ideas with concept art, storyboards, and Animatics… I had forgotten the one and only drawing I had for my pitch at home and had all but decided not to even attempt the pitch.

Of course I was pressured by a few of the officers since I had told them about my ideal a day or so before. So I did the pitch in front of all the student members with absolutely no visuals. Maybe I should be in sales or contract marketing because I won one of the three spots to develop the animation. Good news: it should be pretty awesome, Bad News: It has to be completed in 3 weeks.

Way to go Zeb… Ass. How did I manage to do it? Who knows. But I WILL win the competition.

So Below is the main character. The animation is acting as a video that we can play on our website and around campus to get more students and employers in the various industries to attend. It is between 5 and 10 seconds. I proposed to do (3) 3-5 second animations of a small Martian character (because of its simplicity to model and texture and light) getting ready for an interview.

- One scene he will be arranging his materials for the Student Exhibition and then the logo and event information will fly up and hit the camera.

- Another scene he will be practicing giving a handshake by himself and appear nervous and agitated, one of his resumes will fly off the table and slap the camera with the logo and event information.

The last scene he will be waiting patiently next to his portfolios and works and then beckon the viewer to his area to network. With the Exhibition logo and information slapping the screen at the end.

These (3) spots should be relatively simple, the character and his objects are all easy to model, texture, and light. The camera will be static through all of the shots and the environment will be all white.

The animation will take the longest and the use of sound effects should add a lot to the feeling and comedy of the character’s situation as he prepares for the event.

Here is the Student Exhibition logo and Event information Developed by Jason Smith a CGT undergrad.

SIGGRAPH Student Exhibition
April 17th, 2009 5:00p.m.-11:00p.m.
IUPUI Campus Center
Indianapolis, Indiana

If you, your business, or any colleagues would like to attend this free event please contact me by email to register. Students and Industry professionals can register via the website.

The website may be on and off as we complete some updates…

Thanks for reading and check back soon for progresses on all my projects.

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One Response to “SIGGRAPH Student Exhibition Animation”

  1. Josh Corken says:

    Haha! Can’t wait to see the end result Zeb. You are just a workaholic!

    This event is gonna rock!

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