I’m Sold. Autodesk Mudbox 2009.

One of the latest CG Society Feature Articles went over the newest Mudbox 2009 release. Simply, amazing potential. Bravo to [...]

SIGGRAPH IUPUI Student Exhibition Interviews

For all of those of you that made it out to the exhibition, you know it went amazingly! I am [...]

Contour test with Organic Models

I am finished with the low-polygon versions of Maxwell and now the boy Michael James Chapman. In the next few [...]

Wheelchair Model

So one of the main characters in our story is a boy who is sick and confined to a wheelchair. [...]

Skull Completed

So here is the completed model for my skull I am using for the muscle based rig. I’m sure you [...]

Maxwell Lostrum

Finally an update right?! Say hello to Maxwell Lostrum. The “Old Man” in the story. He was very easy to [...]